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Don’t Break the Bank: How Law Firms Can Better Manage eDiscovery Costs

eDiscovery is now an integral part of the legal process, enabling law firms to efficiently collect, review, and produce electronic documents and data during litigation. However, with the increasing volume and complexity of electronically stored information (ESI), eDiscovery costs have risen significantly. To maintain profitability and competitiveness, law firms must adopt effective strategies for managing eDiscovery costs without compromising the quality of their legal services.

Mastering the Art of Digital Data Collection

The success of any legal proceeding often hinges on the process of data collection. That’s why the integrity of digital data collection is paramount in any eDiscovery project. This blog provides key considerations and recommendations to be used in any data collection.

3 Keys to Seamless eDiscovery in Latin America

For small and midsize law firms in Latin America, managing the large volumes of electronic data involved in complex legal matters can seem daunting. As cases continue to become more intricate and data-intensive, these firms need access to sophisticated eDiscovery.

The Impact of AI in eDiscovery

This blog will look at AI and the profound impact it has had, and continues to have, on the eDiscovery landscape and will offer guidance and provide insights to help in your next eDiscovery project.

Celebrating Diversity, Inclusion and Professional Excellence: A Recap of Recent Everest Team Events

The last couple of months have been a whirlwind of activity for the Everest team. We’ve had the privilege of attending several key fall events, where we were able to showcase our expertise, network with industry professionals and, most importantly, express our unwavering commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion principles. In this recap, we’re excited to share our experiences at the NAMWOLF Annual Meeting, Corporate Counsel Men of Color Conference and Relativity Fest.

NAMWOLF Annual Meeting – September 10-13, Baltimore, MD

At the NAMWOLF Annual Meeting, Everest Discovery had the honor of showcasing our commitment to professional excellence and fostering valuable industry connections. Our team engaged with attendees while highlighting our eDiscovery and litigation support solutions. However, for us, NAMWOLF represents more than just an event; it’s a platform for advancing DE&I principles. We are proud to be a part of this collective effort that champions diversity and inclusion.

Corporate Counsel Men of Color Conference – September 26, National Harbor, MD

Our vice president of sales, Guy Mitchell, attended the Corporate Counsel Men of Color Conference, an event that is making significant strides in diversity. The conference provided a platform for industry professionals to engage in meaningful dialogues and develop strategies that promote inclusion. Guy’s presence reflects our company’s commitment to these actions and our role as a trusted partner in advancing them within the industry.

Relativity Fest – September 26-28, Chicago, IL

As a RelativityOne Silver Partner, our attendance at Relativity Fest provided us with a unique opportunity to not only deepen our understanding of the evolving needs of legal professionals but also to engage with other industry experts, many of whom were featured speakers. What’s more, our very own Sue Pellegrino, Josh Williams and John Trickey were interviewed during the conference, sharing their insights to inspire and advance the eDiscovery community.

Josh Williams was interviewed at Fest Desk Live along with Johnathan Hill of Relativity to talk about the Justice for Change program that helps to bring racial and social justice to all.

Sue Pellegrino was interviewed at Fest Desk Live to discuss Women in eDiscovery, Stellar Women and other organizations that promote networking, education and advancement for women in the legal industry.

John Trickey was also interviewed, and this video will be available soon! Stay tuned!

In addition, our participation at Relativity Fest allowed our team to earn CLE and RCE credits, supporting our culture of continuous learning and professional development.

Each of these events allowed us to network with industry professionals, gain valuable educational insights, showcase our offerings and further our commitment to DE&I initiatives. These events were more than just professional engagements; they were opportunities to be part of a collective effort to champion diversity and inclusion in our industry, and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in each of them.



Everest Discovery Excited over Next Level of Partnership with Relativity: Hear from the Executive Team

With the most recent achievement of RelativityOne Silver Partner status, Everest Discovery has further positioned itself as a trusted leader, providing innovative and efficient solutions to its clients. The attainment of RelativityOne Silver Partner status represents a significant milestone for the company, validating its vision and strategic direction. This achievement is a testament to Everest’s unwavering commitment to operational excellence, client satisfaction and staying at the forefront of technological advancements. In this blog post, we will explore why Everest is excited to have achieved the next level of partnership with Relativity and how it enhances the company’s ability to deliver exceptional value to its clients.

Aligning Vision and Strategic Direction

According to Tom Pellegrino, CEO of Everest Discovery, the attainment of RelativityOne Silver Partner status aligns perfectly with the company’s vision and strategic direction. It represents the company’s unwavering commitment to providing clients with innovative and efficient solutions for their eDiscovery and legal document management needs. This achievement also further validates the company’s vision of being at the forefront of technological advancements and delivering exceptional value to clients through operational excellence. With this partner status, the company is poised to enhance its capabilities, expand its service offerings and solidify its position as a trusted leader in the industry. The company plans to continue exceeding client expectations, leveraging the power of RelativityOne and driving positive outcomes for clients’ legal processes.

Driving Operational Excellence

Dennis Roberts, COO, highlights that attaining RelativityOne Silver Partner status showcases the company’s operational excellence and commitment to delivering high-quality services. This achievement is a testament to the company’s streamlined processes, efficient workflows and expertise in navigating eDiscovery and legal document management. With access to valuable resources and support, Everest Discovery can optimize operations and provide exceptional results for clients. The RelativityOne Silver Partner status reflects an unwavering dedication to operational excellence, setting a new standard for the industry.

Financial Stability and Growth

Sue Pellegrino, owner, president and CFO, emphasizes that achieving RelativityOne Silver Partner status holds great financial significance for the company and clients alike. This milestone reflects the company’s commitment to financial stability and growth as it aligns its operations with industry-leading technologies. The partner status enhances the company’s ability to deliver cost-effective solutions to clients, optimizing their eDiscovery and legal document management budgets. It opens doors to potential business opportunities, allowing for an expanded client base and revenue growth. With the company’s financial expertise and the resources available as a RelativityOne Silver Partner, Everest is well-positioned to provide clients with financially sound and efficient services, ensuring that legal processes are handled with utmost value and fiscal responsibility.

Enhancing Capabilities and Driving Positive Outcomes

With this next level of partnership with Relativity, Everest Discovery is set to enhance its capabilities and drive productive outcomes for clients’ legal processes. The power of RelativityOne, combined with Everest’s expertise and dedication, allows the company to consistently exceed client expectations. By leveraging advanced technologies and industry-leading solutions, the company ensures that its clients have access to a proactive approach to simplifying complex discovery matters by transforming workflows, reducing risks and generating significant cost savings. This next level of partnership with Relativity paves the way for expanded service offerings, further innovation and a continued commitment to delivering exceptional value to clients.

Everest Discovery Earns Recertification from WBE, WOSB and the Supplier Clearinghouse

Everest Discovery is excited to share it has once again affirmed its commitment to diversity by successfully earning recertification from three prestigious programs: Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE), Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and the Supplier Clearinghouse.

The Importance of Maintaining Certifications

Obtaining certifications from the reputable organizations behind these programs is an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusivity for Everest Discovery. These certifications serve as a testament to the company’s dedication to promoting diversity in the workplace and engaging in supplier diversity initiatives. Renewing certifications signals a continued devotion to meeting and exceeding the standards set by these organizations, demonstrating that Everest Discovery actively fosters an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and integrated into its operations.

Recertification also showcases Everest Discovery’s consistency and growth as a diverse supplier. It reinforces the company as a partner that prioritizes diversity and seeks socially responsible business relationships.

Commitment to Diversity

At Everest Discovery, diversity is not just a buzzword but a guiding principle that shapes our organizational culture, business practices and community engagement. We firmly believe that diversity is the cornerstone of innovation and that embracing varied perspectives enriches decision-making processes. We foster an inclusive environment where all employees, clients and partners feel respected, valued and empowered to succeed.

The Advantages of Certification
  • Building Trust with Clients and Partners: Certification validates Everest Discovery’s diversity standards and fosters trust among clients and partners who prioritize diversity and inclusion in their supply chain. It demonstrates a level of credibility and accountability that can lead to stronger, long-lasting business relationships.
  • Networking and Collaborations: Certifications open the door to networking events, conferences and matchmaking opportunities specifically geared toward connecting diverse businesses with corporations seeking diverse suppliers. The collaborations that can come from these events can fuel growth and innovation.
  • Compliance with Supplier Diversity Goals: Many corporations and government agencies have set supplier diversity goals and mandates to work with diverse businesses. Being certified aligns Everest Discovery with these goals, increasing the likelihood of being considered for contracts and projects.
  • Access to New Business Opportunities: Being certified by WBE, WOSB and the Supplier Clearinghouse gives Everest Discovery increased visibility in supplier diversity databases and directories of like-minded corporations and government entities committed to supplier diversity, which often turn to these databases to identify potential partners, giving Everest Discovery a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

To achieve these certifications a company must have, at a minimum, a 51% women ownership status. That woman or women must also be active in business operations. With Sue Pellegrino serving as our president and CFO and having a very active role in the day-to-day operations, Everest meets these requirements.

Continuing to go through the process to receive these certifications underscores the company’s sustained commitment to meet and exceed industry expectations and regulations, assuring customers and partners of its reliability and competence. In addition, it gives the company increased opportunities. The federal government has a goal to award at least 5% of all federal contracting dollars to WOSB Certified businesses each year. This makes having this designation an important tool for increased consideration and potential business.

Certifications symbolize an ongoing journey toward inclusivity, openness and equal opportunity. Everest Discovery is proud to maintain these certifications, and we remain dedicated to promoting diversity, both within our organization and across the broader business landscape.