Production Standards

Below represent our production standards when producing Electronically Stored Information (ESI). Please note that these standards may change from time to time due to advancements in technology and improvements to workflows. Should you have any questions or concerns related to the specifications defined herein, then please contact our professional services team at [email protected]


  • Spreadsheets (Excel Files), Word Documents, Presentations, and other files which cannot be converted to TIFF / JPEG will be produced in native format.
  • The filename of each produced native file will equal the ‘Production Beg Bates’ number and will have the same file extension as the original, with a corresponding path reference appearing in the NATIVELINK field of the load file.

Document Images

  • Produce e-mail and other electronically created files (e.g., Microsoft Office files, PDFs) in Single-Page, Group IV TIFF files.
  • Insert placeholder image for spreadsheets and other files provided in native format which cannot be convered to TIFF / JPEG. Placeholder language will state “Document Provided in Native Format”.
  • Image resolution at least 300 DPI.
  • Black and white images will be provided unless color is detected. If color is detected, single page JPEG files will be provided.
  • Bottom right hand corner of each single-page TIFF image will be endorsed with a bates number.

Extracted Text

All documents and ESI produced will be accompanied with document-level text files. The document-level text files will contain extracted text or OCR text where available. The accompanying text files or extracted text should include all un-redacted text within a document, unless documents are produced with redactions.

Documents produced with redactions shall be scanned using OCR technology. Redacted text will not be present in the document level text files. 

The filename of each produced document-level text file will equal the ‘Production Beg Bates’ number and will have a corresponding path reference appearing in the ‘Text Path’ field of the load file.

Load Files

A Concordance .DAT file will be provided to load metadata, natives, and extracted text. An opticon (.opt) file will be provided to load document images. 

Volume Structure

The production will be provided in the following structure:

[Production Volume Name]

  • DATA
    .dat file & .opt file
    Single-page, Group IV, 300-DPI TIFF/JPEG files
    Any native files produced
  • TEXT
    Containing extracted text and/or OCR’d text for redacted documents

Metadata Fields

All metadata fields provided below will be produced. Unless otherwise specified, any produced records which contain redactions will have metadata fields purged. Appendix A details which metadata fields will be purged.

FIELD                                     FIELD TYPE         DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE REDACTION SCRUB
Production:: Begin Bates Fixed-Length Text Bates number for the first page of record. ED000001
Production:: End Bates Fixed-Length Text Bates number for the end page of record. ED000005
Production:: Begin Attachment Fixed-Length Text Bates number for the first page of the first record in a family group. This field is also populated for documents with no family members. ED000001
Production:: End Attachment Fixed-Length Text Bates number for the last page of the last record in a family group. This field is also populated for documents with no family members ED000005
Custodian Single Object The custodian associated or assigned to the record during processing. Doe, John
All Custodians Multiple Object All custodians of a record. Doe Jane; Doe, John
Author Fixed-Length Text The author of a record. Doe, Jane
Email From Fixed-Length Text The name and email address of the sender of an email message. Doe, John [[email protected]]
Email To Long Text The name and email address of the recipient of an email message. Doe, John [[email protected]]
Email CC Long Text The name(s) and email address(es) of the Carbon Copy recipient(s) of an email message. Doe, John [[email protected]]
Email BCC Long Text The name(s) and email address(es) of the Blind Carbon Copy recipient(s) of an email message. Doe, John [[email protected]]
Email Subject Long Text The subject of an email message. RE: Our trip
Primary Date/Time Date/Time Date taken from Sent Date, Received Date, or Last Modified Date in the order of precedence. 4/22/2021 12:00 PM
Sort Date/Time Date/Time For parent documents, the field is populated with the Primary Date/Time value. For child documents, the field is populated with the Sort Date/Time of the parent document. All documents in a family will therefore have the same Sort Date/Time value, keeping family members together when sorting on this field. 4/22/2021 12:00 PM
Email Sent Date/Time Date/Time The date on which an email message was sent. 4/22/2021 12:00 PM
Email Received Date/Time Date/Time The date on which an email message was received. 4/22/2021 12:00 PM
Created Date/Time Date/Time The date on which a record was created. 4/22/2021 12:00 PM
Last Modified Date/Time Date/Time The date at which the record was last modified. 4/22/2021 12:00 PM
Source Path Long Text Original path to the source record. Includes path up to and including internal path of containers. watson-k\KWATSON (Non- Privileged)\Watson, Kimberly\TW Weekly Report
All Paths/Locations Long Text Contains the original paths to the source record as collected from each custodian. Includes path up to and including internal path of containers. watson-k\KWATSON (Non- Privileged)\Watson, Kimberly\TW Weekly Report
File Name Fixed-Length Text The file name of the record. Manual of Standard Procedures
File Extension   Fixed-Length Text The extension of the record. MSG
File Size Decimal The file size (in bytes) of a produced record. 2
Relativity Native Type Fixed-Length Text The type of native file loaded into the system. The system assigns this value. Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet
Record Type Single Choice The single choice field that indicates that the record is an Email, Edoc, or Attach. Edoc
Unified Title Long Text The title of the record. For emails, this is the subject line. For non-emails, this is any available title. Manual of Standard Procedures
MD5 Hash Fixed-Length Text Identifying value of an electronic record that can be used for deduplication and authentication generated using the MD5 hash algorithm. 21A74B494A1BFC2FE21 7CC274980E915
Confidential Single Choice The confidential designation for the record as branded on an image. Highly Confidential
Conversation Index Long Text The hexadecimal number assigned to each Microsoft email. 01C1322D942305D078 212E634ABD8040BBC
Production::Has Redactions Yes/No Identifies documents that are redacted. Yes
Production::Image Count Whole Number The image page count of the produced record. 21
Text Precedence Long text Relative record path of document level text records. \\VOL001\TEXT\1215.TX T
FILE_PATH Long text Relative record path of native records. \\VOL001\NATIVES\121 5.XLSX


This documentation is not an all-inclusive list of all settings and options available during data processing, but does detail many common processing specifications for ESI. Please reach out to our professional services team should you require any additional information related to the processing specifications for your project.

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