
Streamlined Production for Accurate, Defensible Results

At Everest Discovery, we ensure that your document production phase is handled with precision and efficiency. Using advanced technology and adhering to strict legal standards, we manage the organization, review, and delivery of relevant electronic data. Our team ensures that the data you produce is defensible, compliant, and ready for litigation.

Technology-Driven Production Solutions

The Importance of Technology in Production

With vast amounts of electronically stored information (ESI) to manage, technology plays a critical role in the production phase of the eDiscovery process. By leveraging state-of-the-art tools, we streamline the identification, validation, and production of key documents, ensuring accuracy and efficiency while minimizing costs and risks.

Seamless Production Aligned with the EDRM Model

How Everest Discovery Supports the EDRM Model

Everest Discovery supports your legal team throughout all stages of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM), with a focus on the production phase. From data collection to review and production, we ensure that every step is handled with care and precision. Our tailored solutions integrate project management and litigation consulting, helping you achieve efficient and defensible results.

Asked Questions

The EDRM, or Electronic Discovery Reference Model, comprises nine critical stages. These are:

  • Information Management: Everest Discovery helps organizations manage electronically stored information effectively from its inception.
  • Identification: Identifying relevant data sources that might be pertinent to litigation or investigation.
  • Preservation: Ensuring data is protected against alteration or destruction.
  • Collection: Assembling ESI for further use in the eDiscovery process.
  • Processing: Filtering and reducing the volume of data to only what’s necessary.
  • Review: Everest Discovery’s legal team examines the data for privilege and relevance.
  • Analysis: Identifying patterns, relationships, and key themes within the data.
  • Production: Converting ESI into usable formats for discovery.
  • Presentation: Displaying data findings to support legal strategies and outcomes.

In eDiscovery, production refers to the stage where electronically stored information (ESI) is converted and provided in a format suitable for discovery. Everest Discovery ensures that the data is easily accessible, searchable, and can be used effectively in legal proceedings.

The EDRM encompasses a range of processes that include information management, identification, preservation, collection, processing, review, analysis, production, and presentation. Each process, as offered by Everest Discovery, is tailored to streamline and improve the eDiscovery process.

Metadata is extracted during the processing stage of the EDRM. It helps in understanding the context and authenticity of electronic data and plays a vital role in subsequent stages, particularly in the review and analysis stages.

The review stage is often the most costly part of discovery. This is because it requires significant manual effort, expertise, and time, especially when dealing with large volumes of data. Everest Discovery and its partners” meticulously examines data for relevance, privilege, and compliance, ensuring accuracy while optimizing costs.

The eDiscovery reference model can be broadly divided into three phases:

  • Pre-litigation: Encompassing information management and identification.
  • Active Litigation: Covering the stages from preservation to production.
  • Post-litigation: Primarily the presentation stage, where findings are shared and utilized.

The privilege log protocol in EDRM pertains to creating a detailed record during the review stage. This log lists documents or data pieces deemed as privileged and hence exempted from production. Everest Discovery assists clients to ensure that the protocol is meticulously maintained, capturing the nature of the privilege, the document’s relevance, and the reason for its exemption.

During the eDiscovery process, all relevant ESI (electronically stored information) should be collected. This includes emails, documents, files, databases, metadata, and more. Everest Discovery emphasizes collecting comprehensive data to ensure that all potential evidence is accounted for, minimizing legal risks.

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